Monday, April 19, 2010

Hello My Love: Film

Whoa. So, it's been a little while or so since I've been on. The 365 Project is still here, in one form or another. However that's not what I'm going to show you today. No, my love affair has been re-ignited. For those that know me, they know where my photography started: with film, in the darkroom.

In college in my required Digital Photography class I got into an argument one day with the teacher and a fellow student/teacher(a teacher at the college taking the class for fun) regarding digital photography. I had zero ZERO interest in learning anything about it. They informed me I would never have a career in photography if I didn't transfer to digital. I basically told them to f-off, I was going to do what I wanted, and that was that.

Then I graduate college, move to FL, and buy my first digital camera. 4.5 years later after losing my way with photography, I'm rediscovering it in many ways. One VERY important way: rediscovering film. God how I love film. Nothing compares.

So I bought a Holga, just for fun. Then I found a $12 Spartus Full-Vue. The shutter is broken. Neither have the ability to be manually focused-as they're both fixed focus. Neither have a light meter to adjust the aperture and shutter speed. Neither really give me an option. The SP-V has a busted shutter so I'm still learning how long to hold it down for given what lighting conditions.

And I am SO SO happy.

So, without further adieu, a few of my first ever images from each camera!


And my fave:

Spartus Full-Vue

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Photos of clouds may be cliche. But I don't really care! :) I love clouds, and watching clouds. When is the last time you laid in the green grass staring up at the sky, without a care in the world?