Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Why Hello June, and my blog!

Wow. So, in case you hadn't noticed, I did not end up following through with my 365 Project. Such is life, I won't dwell on it. I've been away for a while, lots of craziness going on in my life, but I'm attempting to get back to the flow here.

I love, after a good spring/summer rain, how the droplets stay so perfect on the grass, leaves, trees etc. On this morning when I went outside, I had to go get my camera, it was so beautiful. Here's a few images:

So, while I have been MIA on here, and with my photography, I have been working on some mental challenges with my photography, vision etc. It has been a VERY productive few months mentally in getting a better idea of where my photography is headed, and I'm excited for this. Also, I am now full time with my other photography venture, BarkNut Images. Head over for more information.

And last but not least: WELCOME TO JUNE!!!!