Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My Coconutter!

I wanted to share some photos of my girl Coconut. She's a crazy little canine with a heart of gold!! Enjoy!

These last 3 photos may not be everybody's cup O'tea but I'm a fan. The first one especially I love, but I also really like the other 2, so I thought I'd share those as well!! :)

(I just love the nose licking!!)

1 comment:

Julie O said...

Hi Candace - my mom, Linda O, has been friends with Nell for a looooooooonnnnnnggg time :-) She forwarded me your blog and i just wanted to tell you how much lovely I think your pictures are and your faves are EXACTLY my cup of tea - love them!! Your Coconut reminds me of my hound girl, Bella :-)