Sunday, February 7, 2010

My 365 Project

Alright, 1 month down of my 365 Project. Hmm. I decided to tackle this project for many reasons. To challenge myself and to find myself, photographically speaking, among others. So, 1 month in, how's it going? ARG. I cannot lie, there have been at least 7 days I've forgotten to take photos. Well, forgotten or.... by the time I realized was too tired to find something that would grab my eye.

Have I had ANY inkling about myself, photographically? Hell's No! I had thought that by doing this project I would feel less bothered by my lack of direction in my personal photography. I have found, thus far though, that not to be the case. And I have excuses. Excuses as to why I'm not more inspired to photograph, but really it comes down to I haven't found my 'thing'. You know, that one topic/location/subject/issue/color you name it that lights my fire.

I really want that fire lit. But I'm going to keep on keepin on, in the hopes that something will start to come together.

In the meantime however, I'm thinking that maybe I should force upon myself subjects. Maybe a weekly focus, or a monthly focus. It's a thought process I'm working on.

What techniques/ideas etc. have you found to work for you to get out of a creative rut?

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